This section contains information on how the institution manages the administration and progression of students from admission to course completion, including student support services. The Institution is governed by the Data Protection Act in relation to Student information and cannot therefore release personal information.
Student Admission, Progression and Completion
Statistical information relating to student admission, progression and completion is provided to the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) and the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) for publication, and is available from UNISTATS.
Student Accommodation
We are able to provide accommodation for most new students in the McMillan Student Village – conveniently located between the Faculties of Music and Dance. The modern development is shared with fellow students from several universities and colleges in the area. For more information click see here.
An Accommodation Handbook is provided to students
Hard copy available – no charge
Student Administration
The Registry is the Institution’s central record-keeping office. It is responsible for the administration of examinations, registration of new students, maintaining central student database, including records of examinations results, report marks and student files. The Office provides support for the courses, including evaluation and monitoring of courses, production of all course-related handbooks, and management of the academic timetable. The Institution has procedures for:
- Enrolment
- Attendance
- Additional tuition
- Change of teacher, study or course
- Termination of studentship
- Change from full-time to part-time status of from parttime-to full-time
- Assessments
- Student Code of Practice
- Student Discipline
Hard copies available – no charge
Admission Procedures
Undergraduate students are selected for entry to the Institution on the basis of sustainability for advanced and specialist training. Postgraduate students are selected on the basis that they have potential to benefit from advanced academic and performance or compositional training. The Selection Process is set within the Institution’s Equal Opportunities Policy. For more information see:
The Institution publishes regulations on student conduct, which all students are required to adhere to, giving due regard to their legal responsibilities as adults and to the good name and reputation of the Institution, in a manner consistent with the fulfilment of the Institution’s mission. These are available to enrolled students via Moodle.
Hard copies available – no charge
Student Learning Support Services
Registered students are supported by Personal or Academic Tutors (or Programme Leaders for Laban postgraduate students). The Institution has considerable experience in supporting students with a range of disabilities, and we welcome applications from all who meet the entrance requirements. For further information see student support.
Please also see the DFES guidance on Student Support for students in Higher Education
Student Liaison
The Institution has various consultative committees, forums and liaison groups which provide a regular medium through which, for example, representatives of international students or students with disabilities at Trinity Laban can formally bring their concerns, enquiries or suggestions to the attention of the Institution. These include:
- Student Support Services
- Student Disabilities Forum
- International Students Forum
Terms of reference for these are held by the Academic Registry.
Hard copies available – no charge
Student Policies
The Institution issues students with policies and regulations relating to academic procedures, code of conduct, assessment and other institutional policies, and it is the responsibility of each student to familiarise themselves with all regulations and policies in the Student Regulations Handbook.
The Academic Board and it’s sub-committees are responsible, subject to the requirements of validating and accrediting bodies, for all matters relating to research, scholarship, teaching and all courses taught at the Institution.
Hard copies available – no charge
Student Welfare
Registered students have tutors who provide important sources of personal and study support. Course and Programme Leaders as well as the Student Services Department are also available should problems arise, and experienced counselling and chaplaincy staff provide professional support during a difficult period. A Careers Advisor is also available for individual consultations.
For further information see student support.
Student Associations
Trinity Laban’s thriving Students’ Union is central to life within the Institution, and serves as an effective and trustworthy mediator between students and administration, as well as the instigation of social events. The Students’ Union aims to make the transition from home to college life as easy as possible, with Freshers’ Week providing the first opportunity to meet fellow students and make friends.
The Trinity Laban Student Union is a member of the Association of London Colleges of Music and the National Union of Students, and provides students with support and social activities.
See Trinity Laban Students’ Union webpage.
The Students’ Union constitution is currently under review.