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Music & Dance Jams & Arts Activity Market Place for Over 60’s

Man dancing

Join Trinity Laban and its partners for a day of engaging arts activity, created specially for people aged 60 and over as part of London Creativity and Wellbeing Week. ‘Jam’ with exceptional Trinity Laban music and dance artists and visit our arts marketplace to get a taste of other older peoples arts activities on offer in Lewisham.

Date: Friday 8th June 2018
Time: 11.30 – 17.45
Venue: Laban Building, Creekside, London SE8 3DZ

As part of Creativity and Wellbeing Week 2018, Trinity Laban will be presenting an afternoon of music and dance ‘Inspired Jams’ for people aged 60yrs and over. ‘Jams’ are short practical workshops led by exceptional Trinity Laban artists who will guide you through basic art form skills, then support you to be creative and use these skills in improvisation at the end of each session.

11.30h – 12.00h – Welcome, mingling and film screening

12.00h – 13.30h – Creative Music Making Jam

13.30h – 14.00h – Tea, coffee and Market Place

14.00h – 15.30h – Contemporary Dance Jam

15.30h – 16.15h – Tea, coffee and Market Place

16.15h – 17.45h – Voices in Motion Music & Movement Jam

Please note: For the Creative Music Making Jam, percussion and a limited number of keyboard instruments will be available. Those who play an instrument should bring their own instrument with them. Players and singers of all abilities are welcome.

Inspired Jams are free and no previous experience is required to take part. To register your interest and book a place please email or call 020 8305 9398. Email us

Arts Market Place

During the breaks, visit our arts marketplace in Laban Bar. Enjoy tea, coffee, snacks and conversation with partners from Older Adults Arts Network (OPAN), who will share the unique arts offer available in Lewisham for older people. Whether you are interested in participating, performing or socialising, OPAN partners will have the information and advice for you.

OPAN partners include: Age Exchange, Entelechy Arts, Horniman Museum and Gardens and Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance.

Find out more about Inspired not Tired

Email us

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Dancing For Health

A new dance film exploring notions of re-birth, identity and tenderness. Inspired by the real-life experiences of four remarkable dancers in Trinity Laban’s Dancing for Health group. 

Dancing for Health is a weekly creative dance class for adults with acquired brain injury or stroke. This film has been created by the dancers, in partnership with Choreographer Stella Howard and filmmaker Roswitha Chesher. 

More about Dancing For Health

Beyond the Wall

A multi-sensory interactive arts performance bringing to life cutting- edge research into improving life with dementia. Imagine the sounds of birds chirping, crunch of autumn leaves, smell of scented spring flowers, shared songs and an impulse to move. An evocative journey using dance, objects and music.

Memories and relationships move through the space, evoking the lives, histories and experiences of those within care homes. A poignant piece of contemporary dance, performed by Trinity Laban Dance Artists, set to an original live and interactive music score by Eliot Lloyd Short.

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For the Love of Dance / June 2017

As part of Creativity and Wellbeing Week 2017, Trinity Laban presented an evening of live performance and film, showcasing three exceptional dance works created in 2017. These works have been created for, by and with participants from three of Trinity Laban’s flagship Dance and Health Programmes. These new dance works were paired with brief talks introducing some of the research themes that both underpin and spring from Trinity Laban’s Dance and Health Programmes, culminating in a Q&A with practitioners and participants on their creative experiences in developing these dynamic new works. 


The 'authentic voice' of Boundless; a passionate, anarchic and innovative collective of dance artists. They presented their most recent performance works exploring Harmony and Separation. Boundless is an over '60s dance group based at Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance which meets weekly. The group works solely in a contemporary and creative dance style; its members are inspired by and engaged in exploring the artistry of the dancing body in later life.