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In line with government guidance, when dancing with us please follow the guidelines below:

Visiting the Building      

  • Do not attend activities if you feel unwell, have any Covid-19 symptoms, or have tested positive within the last 5 days.
  • To minimise congestion in the corridors we have introduced short gaps between classes and encourage adults to consider wearing face masks in busy areas.
  • Bring minimal personal possessions to the building and use cubby holes within the studios to store these.
  • Bring a clearly identifiable water bottle to all classes.
  • Shoes must be left neatly against the wall, outside the studio.


  • Teenagers and Adults are encouraged to continue wearing a clean face mask in busy or crowded areas such as corridors and communal spaces, unless you are exempt.


  • Continue to wash or sanitise your hands regularly and thoroughly.


  • Please note the air in the Laban Building is supplied via air handling units which draw air in from outside, filter it and heats/cool it accordingly. It is then removed via a separate extract system. This system provides complete air changes to each area of the building including the studios, every 15 minutes. We do not recirculate any air within the building. For optimal studio ventilation at the Laban Building, it is best to ensure doors remain closed.

Class Content

  • Social distancing is not in place. Class sizes are determined by studio size and teacher: participant ratios.
  • Participants can engage in contact work if they feel comfortable to do so.


We are strongly encouraging all staff, eligible students and participants to be vaccinated, in line with Government and NHS guidance. Vaccinations drastically reduce the chance of severe or fatal symptoms if you contract Covid-19.

Trinity Laban cannot enforce vaccination or take responsibility for the decision of individuals. Please note that any discrimination against individuals based on their vaccination status will not be tolerated. Trinity Laban also acknowledges that some individuals are unable to be vaccinated for medical reasons.

What if I experience symptoms of Covid-19?

If you begin to experience Covid-19 symptoms, please follow the UK Government’s guidance and do not attend activities at Trinity Laban.

Please continue to notify Trinity Laban staff if you become unwell with Covid-19, and receive a positive result, within 48 hours of attending our activities.