Dance Science is an expanding area of research and study. It aims to investigate dance practice in its broadest sense, to explore areas such as training and performance, dancer health and safe-practice and the impact of dance on areas of health and wellbeing among other populations.
We are known internationally as a leader in Dance Science offering dance science education, research and clinical services for the dance sector. We were the first institution in the world to offer an MSc in Dance Science in 2001, and an MFA in Dance Science in 2016. In 2019, we offered a new BSc Dance Science programme. The Dance Science research staff are well-known researchers within the field, each with a list of academic publications and several holding national and international industry awards.
Our research and publications have generated interest among dance educators, choreographers, artistic directors and researchers worldwide. It has enhanced consciousness of the importance of dance performance health and has led to the development of curricula in dance science in further and higher education and the instigation of new qualifications and professional development activities for teachers within the UK and internationally. Importantly, a substantially greater number of educational initiatives now exist to enhance and sustain the health and well-being of dancers as a result of our work.
Our department benefits from strong industry links and professional networks. We are one of the founding partners of the UK’s National Institute of Dance Medicine and Science (NIDMS) offering education, conducting research and providing clinical services for the dance profession. Other NIDMS founding partners are One Dance UK, Birmingham Royal Ballet’s Jerwood Centre for the Prevention and Treatment of Dance Injuries, Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance, University of Wolverhampton, University of Birmingham and the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital.
Trinity Laban’s dance science department has a strong connection with the International Association for Dance Medicine and Science (IADMS), with several members of the faculty taking active roles in IADMS leadership and membership. We hosted the IADMS annual conference in 2003 and have participated at IADMS annual conferences these last 20 years, with a consistently high number of presentations by Dance Science students and teaching faculty. We are also founding members of the Healthy Conservatoires Network.

Dance Specific Fitness Tests
Research shows that cardiorespiratory fitness is an important part of a dancer’s training because the physiological demands of dance performance can be extremely high. Dancers need good stamina to work at their best, delay the onset of fatigue and help prevent fatigue-induced injuries.