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Live Dance

Live Dance is a celebration of dance open to local schools.

This showcase event champions and celebrates dance in schools, giving pupils a creative performance experience in a professional theatre setting, and encouraging teachers to create dance with their pupils.

Live Dance 2025 will take place on 4 & 5 March 2025 at The Broadway Theatre, Catford.

Schools create and rehearse a dance at school with any group of their choice (a class, dance club, selected pupils). School groups then attend The Broadway Theatre, Catford, on the day of the show for a dress rehearsal on stage. In the evening Live Dance is performed to an audience including other school groups, family and friends.

Each school performs on one night only, enabling as many school groups as possible to participate. Family and friends are invited to book tickets to watch their children perform and celebrate dance in Lewisham. Ticket information will be shared with participating schools and tickets sold by The Broadway Theatre.

Schools should complete the expression of interest form to take part.
Applications close 30 November 2024.

Express your interest