Adult Dyslexia Organisation
Organisation for dyslexic adults, advising on issues relating to employment and education.
Helpline: 020 7924 9559
Access to Work
Access to Work can help you if your health or disability affects the way you do your job (including self-employment). It gives you and your employer advice on and support for extra costs that may arise because of your needs.
Access to Work contact centre for South East England, London and East of England:
Phone: 020 8426 3110
GOV.UK – Employment Support for Disabled People
If you need extra employment support because of a disability, your local Jobcentre can put you in touch with one of their Disability Employment Advisers, who can offer a range of services. It is important that you ask for these services, as often they are not simply offered to you.
Disability Benefits Helpline
Contact details for the Disability Benefits Helpline, which offers advice on Disability Living Allowance, Attendance Allowance and Personal Independence Payment (PIP).
Phone: 08457 123 456 or 08457 224 433 (text phone)
Association of Disabled Professionals
An excellent site with good practical employment and training advice for disabled people.
Phone: 01204 431 638 (answerphone only service)
British Association for Performing Arts Medicine (BAPAM)
BAPAM is a registered charity providing health services for professional and student performing artists. BAPAM’s services include: free confidential health assessment clinics, a directory of clinical specialists and practitioners in many branches of healthcare who have an interest in treating performing artists, free online health advice factsheets for performers.
Tel: 020 7404 8444
Great With Disability
This website provides students with a disability or long-term health condition with all the information they need as they apply for graduate jobs and prepare to go through the recruitment process. The site includes information on disclosing a disability, requesting adjustments, requiring support, gaps in the CV, lack of work experience, etc. The website also provides information about graduate employers. In addition to marketing their opportunities, employers can include specific information about disability and the support they offer, which their own company website may not allow.
Tel: 01753 360 018
Diversity Matters – Disability and mental health
Information about finding positive employers, tips on marketing yourself and advice on disclosing the nature of your disability to an employer, as well as a list of useful contacts and resources. Case studies from recent graduates are also included to provide a personal insight into the issues.
The Diversity Matters series has been produced by the Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services (AGCAS), which works in collaboration with members and professional associations to produce up-to-date careers information, advice and guidance products for careers practitioners and their clients.
Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC)
The EHRC has a statutory remit to promote and monitor human rights, and to protect, enforce and promote equality across the nine “protected” grounds, including disability. They can give advice and information to disabled people and support disabled people in getting their rights under the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA).
They have a helpline open Monday to Friday 9am-5pm, except Wednesday 9am-8pm.
Phone: 08456 046 610
Text phone: 08456 046 620
Trade Unions Disability Alliance (TUDA)
Organisation for any trade union members who have a disability.
Shaw Trust
A national charity providing training and work opportunities for disabled people.
Phone: 01225 716 300
A leading mental health charity providing information and advice, training programmes, grants and services through a network of local Mind associations across England and Wales. There is a section on their website offering advice and information on money and employment issues.
National infoline: 0300 123 3393 and email:
Greenwich Mind:
Phone: 020 8853 2395 (admin)
Phone: 020 8853 1735 (counselling/info)
Rethink is a charity offering advice and advocacy for people with severe mental illness.
General enquiries:
Phone: 0845 456 0455
National advice and information service:
Phone: 0207 840 3188 (10am-1pm Mon-Fri)
Blind in Business
Through their training and employment services, Blind in Business support blind and partially sighted graduate and undergraduates in their job search. All their services are free to students. Support includes CV advice, help with completing application forms and interview practice.
Phone: 0207 588 1885
Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB)
The RNIB website has information for people with sight problems on various aspects of employment, including: the government scheme Access to Work, looking for work, staying in work, self-employment, and your rights in employment.
Helpline: 0303 123 9999 (Monday to Friday 8.45am to 5.30pm)
RNIB Music Advisory Service (MAS) offers advice on any musical issue for people with sight problems, including employment issues.
Phone: 020 7391 2273
Action on Hearing Loss
Action on Hearing Loss is the new name for the RNID. They have a free Helpline if you want information on any aspects of deafness, hearing loss or tinnitus, or about the work they do.
Phone: 0808 808 0123
Text phone: 0808 808 9000
SMS 0780 0000 360
Prospects Employment Service(National Autistic Society)
An employment and training service for people with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) who wish to work.
Phone: 020 7704 7450 (London)
Autistic workers: loyal, talented … ignored
Guardian article on discrimination at work:
“Employers could recruit a whole army of unique workers. But ignorance and fear get in the way. Lynne Wallis looks at why autism is so misunderstood and what [those with autism] can offer”.
Untapped Talent – A Guide to Employing People with Autism (pdf)
This guide highlights the many talents and skills that adults with autism can bring to a business, and provides advice to employers on adapting practices to attract and support adults with autism in the workplace.
Diversity Matters
If you are a graduate jobseeker who is affected by disability and/or mental health, this downloadable pdf addresses issues of relevance to you. It includes information relating to the law (including recent and imminent changes to legislation), tips on marketing yourself effectively, and advice on how to find positive employers, as well as a list of useful contacts and resources. Case studies from recent graduates are also included to provide a personal insight into the issues.
This is one of eight titles in the Diversity Matters series, which has been produced by the Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services (AGCAS). AGCAS works in collaboration with members and professional associations to produce up-to-date careers information, advice and guidance products for careers practitioners and their clients.