Audition fee waivers for applicants from low income backgrounds.
Junior Trinity
Audition fees are waived for income-related bursary holders applying from Junior Trinity
Applicants From Low-Income Backgrounds
The Conservatoire will also consider offering free audition/interview places to Music and Musical Theatre programme applicants from low-income backgrounds who may not otherwise be able to make an application.
Interested applicants must meet all of the following criteria:
- Current UK Resident
In addition, one of the following criteria also needs to be met:
The applicant is in receipt of one or more of the following:
- Income-based Jobseekers Allowance
- Income Support
- Housing Benefit
- Council Tax support (not just the single person reduction)
- Income-based Employment Support Allowance
- Personal Independence Payments (PIPs)
- Pension credit (guaranteed element only) with an award notice showing annual gross household income of less than £25,000
- Working Tax Credit, Child Tax Credit or Universal credit with an award notice showing annual gross household income of less than £25,000
- Full-time carers allowance
- The applicant is under 18 and in residential or foster care
For undergraduate studies only, the above can be considered for the household where the applicant has permanent residence. For all other programmes the criteria will need to apply to the applicant.
In order to qualify, please provide evidence to the Admissions Team.