Redefining conservatoire training for the 21st century
We identify, support and develop talented and innovative performers and creators throughout their creative lives. We instil creativity and technical excellence through our supportive atmosphere, world-class buildings and innovative curriculum. And transform those with potential into resourceful, enterprising and adaptable artistic leaders who are able to succeed in the profession and make a positive change to society.
Our vision is to be an inclusive home of innovation and creation in our art forms, first choice for those who are passionate about advancing the place of the arts in society and realising their artistic ambitions.
Our purpose is to transform individuals and enrich society through world-class music and dance by:
- delivering an outstanding training and education that cultivates individual and original artistic voices reaching and empowering young people from as diverse backgrounds as possible, and equipping them to succeed and contribute by taking their own creative ideas forward
- constantly innovating and challenging the artistic status quo;
- drawing the widest possible audiences for, and participants in, its activities and stimulating them to think differently.
Our values describe the culture of Trinity Laban and the principles that underpin us an institution and a community. We will be:
Artistically ambitious and experimental
- The invention and achievement that characterises Trinity Laban derives from a long history of artistic risk-taking
- We uphold the pioneering spirit of our founders by challenging convention and encouraging our students and staff to explore the boundaries of practice and thinking in our art forms
- We aim to be at the forefront of developments in our art forms and to equip our students with the attitudes and attributes to make life-long careers as confident and adaptable artistic leaders
- We value and celebrate the achievements of our staff as members of the wider artistic and academic communities
- We seek out, explore and embrace new possibilities, and are alert to the continual and rapid changes taking place in the social, cultural and educational environments in which we operate
- Collaboration is at the heart of our mission and our artistic practice
- We seek to share the benefits of collaborative creative methods, languages and tools with partners in the arts industry and in education as well as within our own learning community
- We form sustained and meaningful partnerships with like-minded organisations to achieve beyond our scale
- We encourage cooperation not competition as the means to reach the very highest standards of performance
Ethical and inclusive
- We respect and value all members of our community, celebrating the contribution of a diverse population of students and staff in providing a rich learning experience and environment.
- We treat each other with fairness, friendship and honesty, and strive for the highest standards of conduct in all our dealings
Socially engaged
- We view the arts as a force for both personal fulfilment and social good, and seek to place music and dance at the centre of civic life.
- We promote to our students an ethos that esteems the active contribution of the artist in society, which we exemplify as an organisation that always looks outward and deploys its expertise and resources for the public benefit
- We attract students and staff from many countries and work with international partners within a worldwide arts and educational community
- We foster cross-cultural understandings and outlooks, preparing our students to contribute internationally as informed and committed global artists and citizens
We are a vital presence in the international conservatoire sector. In the 150 years since our foundation, we have constantly challenged the parameters of our art forms and reimagined the possibilities of elite artistic training. Find out more about our history and our plans for the future by reading our 2018-2028 Strategic Plan.