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In the interests of greater openness and accountability across the public sector, the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 2000 requires the Institution proactively to make information publicly available. Under Section 19 of the FOIA, each public authority must produce a publication scheme.

Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance has adopted the model publication scheme developed for the higher education sector. This publication scheme sets out the categories of information already published, or to be published in the future, and how this may be accessed. This is not a list of the actual publications, as this will change as new material is published or existing material revised. It is, however, the Institution’s commitment to make available the information described.

In the interests of greater openness and accountability across the public sector, the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 2000 requires the Institution proactively to make information publicly available. Under Section 19 of the FOIA, each public authority must produce a publication scheme. Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance has adopted the model publication scheme developed for the higher education sector. This publication scheme sets out the categories of information already published, or to be published in the future, and how this may be accessed. This is not a list of the actual publications, as this will change as new material is published or existing material revised. It is, however, the Institution’s commitment to make available the information described.

Much of the information in the publication scheme is included on our website using the links provided. If information is required in hard copy, depending on the size and complexity of the request, a charge may be levied for this. In reaching an estimate of the cost of providing a response to a request for information, the Institution will factor in staff time (£25 per hour) for finding out whether the information requested is held and extracting and gathering the information. Where this estimate is below £450, no charge will be levied other than for the cost of postage/transmission and photocopying costs where this exceeds £30. Where a fee is chargeable a fees notice will be issued to the applicant within 20 days and the deadline for the full response will be extended until the fee is paid. The Institution will provide current copies but cannot guarantee the availability of historic information.

Update on responding to requests under the Freedom of Information Act during the COVID-19 pandemic

Trinity Laban will make every effort to respond to requests made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 within the statutory time frames. In some circumstances due to the extraordinary impact on staff illness and availability; working practices; and access to systems it may not be possible to meet those time frames. In such circumstances we will keep you informed of any delay and will provide you with a response as soon as we are able.

The Information Commissioner’s Office has published information about the measured approach they will be taking in regard to complaints regarding Freedom of Information Requests during the COVID-19 pandemic. You can view this on their blog.

We thank you for your patience.

Requests for information to be supplied under the Freedom of Information Act may be made using the request form or by writing to:

Georgina Lomax
Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance,
Faculty of Music,
King Charles Court,
London, SE10 9JF

The Publication Scheme – Information Classes

How to register dissatisfaction with the service

If an applicant feels that the service they have received has not been satisfactory, they should contact the Secretary and Clerk to the Board in the first instance.  If this does not give satisfaction, student applicants should use the Student Complaints Procedure and other applicants should refer their complaint to the Head of General Administration at the above address.  Ultimately, any individual has the right to take a complaint to the Information Commissioner.