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Our History

Tradition meets tomorrow

Based around a shared ambition and vision for driving forward the art forms of music and dance, Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance was formed by a merger in 2005 between Trinity College of Music in Greenwich and the Laban Centre in Deptford.

Both had enjoyed long and illustrious histories as centres of excellence for training in music and contemporary dance respectively, and together share over 125 years of success.

Throughout its history, Trinity Laban has been characterised by risk-taking, creativity, change-making and a mission to use the arts as a force for cultural and social progress. We are proud of our heritage and the contribution we have made and continue to make.

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Trinity College of Music and Laban become officially renamed as the Faculty of Music and Faculty of Dance at Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance.

Trinity College of Music affiliation with University of Sussex lapses and MMus in Performance Studies phased out. FdA in Musical Theatre: Performance in collaboration successfully validated by University of Westminster for period of three years.

Trinity College of Music re-recognised by University of Westminster as affiliated institution and Memorandum of Collaboration with University of Westminster renegotiated and agreed. BMus (Hons) Performance successfully revalidated by University of Westminster for period of five years. Introduction of Indian Classical music pathway through BMus (Hons) Performance by University of Westminster, validated for period of four years. Memorandum of Collaboration with Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, UK Centre and University of Westminster negotiated and agreed.  MMus in Performance / Composition / Creative Practice successfully validated by University of Westminster for period of three years.

Laban merges with Trinity College of Music to form Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance – the first conservatoire for music and dance in the UK.

Revised Memorandum and Articles of Association for Trinity Laban approved by Privy Council and Charity Commission. PGCE Secondary ‘Musicians in Education’ commenced, in collaboration with and also validated by the University of Greenwich.

Conservatoires UK formed with Principals of UK conservatoires (initially BC, LCM, RCM, RNCM, RSAMD, RWCMD and TCM only) serving as Directors of company limited by guarantee. TCM agreed to Memorandum of Association with Conservatoires UK to assist in creation of CUKAS online application service.

Diploma in Dance Theatre subsumed within the BA (Hons) Dance Theatre programme at Laban. Marion North honoured with CBE (Commander of the Order of the British Empire) in recognition of her services to dance. Anthony Bowne becomes Principal of Laban on the retirement of Dr Marion North.

Official opening of the new Laban Building by Rt. Hon Tessa Jowell, MP, Secretary of State for Culture Media and Sport. Laban Building awarded RIBA Stirling Prize for Architecture.

Acquisition by Trinity College of Music of Blackheath Halls concert venue.

Laban’s postgraduate Masters programmes extended to include Choreography, European Dance Theatre Practice, Dance Performance (Transitions Dance Company), Dance Science. Foundation of journal, Discourses in Dance.

New Laban Building in Creekside, Deptford opens, architects Herzog & de Meuron. New corporate identity launched and change of name to Laban.

Trinity College of Music is re-recognised by University of Sussex as an affiliated institution. MMus in Performance Studies is successfully revalidated for a period of five years.

Trinity College of Music relocates from Mandeville Place in Marylebone to the Old Royal Naval College, Greenwich. The Jerwood Library of the Performing Arts is formed.


Dr Marion North is awarded  OBE (Officer of the British Empire) in recognition of her outstanding contribution to dance.

Trinity College of Music agrees Memorandum of Collaboration with University of Westminster as an affiliated institution and BMus (TCM) renamed BMus (Hons) (Performance).

Establishment MA Scenography Dance at Laban Centre London. Validation of the Diploma Dance Theatre and Diploma in Community Dance  by City University. Laban Centre London is successful in its bid for capital lottery funding for a new building.

Trinity College of Music agrees Memorandum of Agreement with University of Sussex as an affiliated institution. MMus in Performance Studies successfully validated for a period of five years.

New visual identity and change of name to Laban Centre London.

BMus at Trinity College of Music is validated by University of Westminster for a period of five years. This course would replace the GTCL.

Formal separation of the examinations business (TCL) from Trinity College of Music.

A separate company, limited by guarantee and registered as a charity, Trinity College London Ltd (TCL), is established. This would become the new name for Trinity College of Music’s external examinations business.

Validation of Laban Centre for Movement and Dance’s BA, MA and Research Degree programmes by City University, London.

Laban Centre for Movement and Dance’s MA Dance Movement Therapy receives validation in England by the Council for National Academic Awards (CNAA). Completion of the Laban Centre complex. Formal opening by Sir John Drummond, controller of BBC Radio 3.

Laban Centrefor Movement and Dance collaborates with Hahnemann University Medical School, Philadelphia (USA) to introduce the first UK MA Dance Movement Therapy. Expansion of the New Cross site. Formal opening by Sir Roy Shaw, Secretary General of the Arts Council for Great Britain.

TCM Trust is established and the first gifts are received. Through the trust legacies and donations are received, ensuring their legal separation from the college funds.

Transitions Dance Company/Graduate Diploma in Performance (later validated as MA Dance Performance) is established at Laban Centre London. Foundation of Dance Theatre Journal, an international publication.

Jazz is introduced to Trinity College of Music with a department headed by Bobby Lamb. Opportunities include big band sessions, tutorials and workshops for smaller groups. A recording studio is also set up in this year.

Community Dance and Movement Diploma (later validated as the Postgraduate Diploma in Community Dance) takes its first students at Laban Centre for Movement and Dance.

Laban Centre for Movement and Dance offers the MA Dance Studies (the first MA in Dance in the UK). Research Degrees of MPhil and PhD are validated.

The first students graduate from the BA (Hons) Dance Theatre at Laban Centre for Movement and Dance.

Validation of the three-year BA Hons Dance Theatre by the Council for National Academic Awards (CNAA) at Laban Centre for Movement and Dance.

The building of the Studio Theatre at Laban Centre of Movement and Dance’s Laurie Grove premises.

The Art of Movement Studio is renamed Laban Centre for Movement and Dance and moves to new premises in Laurie Grove, New Cross, South East London.

Bonnie Bird joins the Art of Movement Studio as Artistic Director. The three year vocational Diploma in Dance Theatre is developed and enrols its first students.

On the retirement of Lisa Ullman, Marion North becomes Principal of the Art of Movement Studio.The One Year Course in Dance Studies (later validated as the Graduate Diploma in Dance Studies) is established.

Trinity College of Music celebrates its centenary with a service of thanksgiving at Westminster Abbey, a concert at the Royal Albert Hall, and a dinner attended by almost 700 invited guests at Grosvenor House, Park Lane.


Sir Yehudi Menuhin becomes President of Trinity College of Music.

First publication of TCM Bulletin, an illustrated periodical containing accounts of college activities, articles and reviews. This was issued twice a year until 1989. Its first editor was Ernest Heberden.

Formation of the TCM Guild, an alumni organisation, which published a handbook and newsletter for members, organised social and professional functions, and supported the work of the college. Initially limited to students who had been registered as full time students for not less than three consecutive terms, membership is enlarged in 1967 to include members of the Corporation, teaching, examining and administrative staff, local examination officials and diploma holders.

Rudolf Laban dies.

A fourth year option is added to the GTCL in partnership with the Institute of Education, providing more extensive training for music teachers and leading to a teacher’s certificate in addition to the GTCL.

A Students Association is formed at Trinity College of Music.

Art of Movement Studio expands its studies and moves to Addlestone in Surrey.

The inaugural meeting of the Teaching Staff Association takes place.

The Trinity College of Music early music department is re-formed as the Department for Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century Music. Instruments held in storage during the war are returned and restored. Lectures, classes and fortnightly concerts take place at 3 Cheyne Walk, Chelsea. The department subsequently moves to Fenton House in Hampstead before all activities finally transfer to the main college premises.

Introduction of the GTCL, a three-year graduate course originally designed primarily for students who wished to become class music teachers. It became a model for other British conservatoires and continued to be offered by TCM for around 50 years, with the last students graduating in 1997.

Laban Centre for Movement and Dance begins its life as the Art of Movement Studio in Manchester, set up by Rudolf Laban and Lisa Ullmann.


135 students from the US army of occupation in Europe enter the college for the Michaelmas term bringing professional experience, giving concerts at Wigmore hall and presenting drama productions at Cripplegate theatre.

During World War II teaching and examining at Trinity College of Music continues, with an increase in the number of students and candidates. The orchestra grows and the choir is opened up to members of choral societies temporarily disbanded. In 1941 the college opens on Sundays during term time for people who can’t attend during the week and correspondence courses are arranged for those who cannot attend in person. The college responds to requests for music education from prisoners of war through the Red Cross.

Rudolf Laban flees from Germany to the UK to join Kurt Jooss and Lisa Ullmann (two of his dance associates and collaborators).

The ‘Friends of Old Devonshire House’ is formed to operate a new department for early music at Old Devonshire House in Bloomsbury, using instruments given to the National Trust by Major Benton Fletcher. Under the long-standing leadership of Edgar Hunt, this becomes the first early music department at a British conservatoire.

John Barbirolli is appointed chief conductor of the college orchestra and gives concerts at Queen’s Hall.

A renovated and enlarged library reopens named Bridge Memorial Library in memory of Sir Frederick Bridge.

The college enjoys 50th anniversary Jubilee celebrations including a reception, concert at Queen’s Hall, presentation of honorary diplomas to local examination secretaries, performance of Iolanthe at the King’s theatre, and a Jubilee dinner at Connaught rooms. Extensive structural alterations take place including the consolidation of 11 and 13 Mandeville Place, addition of a portico, and stained glass windows.

Trinity College of Music registers 53,180 examinations.

 Trinity College of Music acquires adjoining premises at 11 Mandeville Place.

Trinity College of Music has 355 students and 32,987 candidates present themselves for Trinity College of Music diplomas and certificates.

Junior Trinity opens, the first Conservatoire Junior Saturday School in the UK.

Trinity College London changes its name to Trinity College of Music London.

Trinity College London establishes a Chair of Music at London University with permission from the King to be called ‘The King Edward VII Professorship of Music’. A series of weekly lectures on the Art of Teaching is established, taught by Dr John Warriner, a recognized teacher of pedagogy at the University of London.


Trinity College London practical examinations are first held in India.

Practical Trinity College London examinations are introduced in Australasia and South Africa.

Trinity College London’s local theoretical examinations are extended to India.


Trinity College London transfers to 13 Mandeville Place, a house on the corner of Hinde Street in Marylebone, London, with 41 professors and lecturers.

Rudolf Laban, born in Austro – Hungary.

Beginning of the college’s external music examinations, the first of their kind. The first tests are in elementary musical knowledge, quickly expanding to practical music examinations. Just two years later these examinations are administered in 200 local centres throughout the UK.

Lease acquired for 61 Weymouth Street, Marylebone. Teaching at Trinity College London becomes an all-day activity with examinations twice a year.

Trinity College London incorporated under Companies Act 1862 consisting of two divisions, Academic and Choral.

Public examinations for choirmasters and teachers of music are held four times a year.

Bonavia Hunt and Sir Frederick A. Gore Ousley establish the Church Choral Society and College of Church Music, London.

Trinity Laban Pioneers


Bonnie Bird



A.R. Rahman



Rudolf Laban



Marion North


Fela Kuti

This part of the page is still under construction, but will include biographies of some of our brightest stars, including Sir Matthew Bourne, Mulatu Astatke, Lea Anderson, Femi Koleoso & Joe Armon Jones, Avril Coleridge-Taylor and many more…