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Trinity Laban offers an extensive programme of professional development events for research students and staff.

2024-25 Events take place from January – June 2025 and dates will be announced here during the Autumn Term.  


Researcher Development Series (RDS)


Professional Development for Research Students (PDRS)

Sessions take place on occasional Wednesdays, in-person or online.

Past sessions include:

PDRS: Thesis Formatting and Viva-Voce Examination Preparation 

Facilitator: Jonathan Clark
Who should attend: RDP students
By the end of the session you will have: 

  • Familiarity with presentational issues in the final PhD submission. 
  • Preparation strategies for the viva examination. 
  • Strategies for handling the viva itself. 

PDRS: What is plagiarism and how to avoid it 

Facilitator: Hazel Bothma
Who should attend: RDP students, MA/MFA students
By the end of the session you will: 

  • Understand what plagiarism is and that it is considered as academic malpractice 
  • Examine examples and activities of what are considered plagiarism 
  • Understand what is meant by contract cheating or paid plagiarism 
  • Understand how to avoid plagiarising 

RDS: Conferences: How to Choose, How to Submit 

Facilitators: Sophie Fuller
Who should attend: Staff, RDP students, MFA students
By the end of the session you will: 

  • Have gained an understanding of the benefits of attending and presenting your research at academic conferences, study days, symposia etc. 
  • Have received advice on how to identify conferences etc. that are relevant to you. 
  • Have received advice on how to prepare an abstract and submit it to a programme committee. 

RDS: Project Based Work in the Performing Arts 

Facilitator: Charles Linehan
Who should attend: Staff, RDP students, MFA students
By the end of the session you will: 

  • Have knowledge of the pragmatic nature of how independent artists work with management, funding bodies, promoters, producers and venues to realise work in the performing arts. 

RDS: Planning your research project: setting milestones and objectives 

Facilitator: Jonathan Clark
Who should attend: Staff, RDP students, MFA students
By the end of the session you will: 

  • Have an understanding of methods to manage time in the planning of research 
  • Learn the importance of deadlines and milestones, both external and self-imposed 
  • Have an understanding of a pragmatic approach to plan and complete research projects 

 RDS: Managing your research project/ collaborating and co-authoring 

Facilitator: Jonathan Clark
Who should attend: Staff, RDP students, MFA students
By the end of the session you will: 

  • Have an understanding of the key ethical and practical implications of working with others on research 
  • Gain insight into the self-management of appropriate research timelines 
  • Gain knowledge about planning budgets for research projects 

RDS: Disseminating your research – traditional and new communication platforms 

Facilitator: Dario van Gammeren
Who should attend: Staff, RDP students, MFA students
By the end of the session you will: 

  • Have reflected on your use of professional networks to engage with the wider research community; 
  • Have examined innovative ways of communicating your research, using a variety of traditional and digital technologies; and 
  • Understand how digital communication platforms can be used effectively to share information and promote research presence. 

RDS: Careers Guidance for Doctoral Students  

Facilitator: Jonathan Clark
Who should attend: Staff, RDP students,
By the end of the session you will: 

  • Have reflected on options for viable careers post PhD graduation 
  • Have had experience of a number of alternatives for careers other than traditional academic routes, and /or routes in the performing arts 
  • Understand portfolio careers are becoming an increasing resource for doctoral students upon graduating with their PHD. 

RDS: Practice-Based Research in Musical Composition  

Facilitator: Sam Hayden
Who should attend: Staff, RDP students, MFA students

Please contact the Research Administrator Sara Pay for further details on any of the above events. 

Trinity Laban staff and students can also find further details on Research PD events on Moodle.