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Lucy Blazheva

Dance Artist, Teacher


Trinity Laban offered me the most spectacular of opportunities which have continued to support artistic and academic movement enquiry. The structure of all programmes enables the individual to be challenged, motivated, nurtured and guided; providing solid grounding from transition of student to professional. For me however, it is this continued ‘holding’ and support that Trinity Laban provides, it’s most unique asset. Graduates are always supported and welcomed, preventing artistic isolation whilst nurturing collaborative possibilities.

Lucy Blazheva
Lucy Blazheva


Lucy Blazheva graduated with a BA Dance Theatre Degree in 2004 before returning to study for a Postgraduate Diploma in Community Dance in 2010. Since graduating, Lucy has gone on to develop her Community Dance practice for over a decade, and has taught at Trinity Laban, E15 Acting School, DanceEast’s Centre for Advanced Training Scheme and University Suffolk, alongside independent Dance Ventures across Essex, Cambridge, Suffolk and Norfolk. In 2011, Lucy’s extensive work in Dance and Education was recognised by the Prince of Wales and awarded funding by The Princes Trust to continue educational projects in schools and initiate Dance in Children’s Hospices. Lucy has also secured partnerships between English National Ballet and DanceEast’s Dance for Parkinson’s programme, developing the Dance and Health portfolio at The Jerwood Dance House in Suffolk. 

Alongside her education initiatives, Lucy works in Adult Psychotherapy Mental Health NHS settings and Children and Adolescent Charities as a psychodynamic Dance Movement PsychotherapistLucy is an Independent Dance Artist and Registered Dance Movement Psychotherapist (MA, RDMP) ADMP UK.