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These short case studies document a selection of action research projects undertaken as part of Teach Through Music; teachers report and reflect upon changes they have made in their classroom practice, and the impact this has had on pupils.


More case studies will be posted here throughout Spring 2016, each announced via the Teach Through Music and Music Excellence London twitter pages. 

An overview of the case studies undertaken throughout Teach Through Music can be found here.

“Feedback from SLT and internal ofsted links have been very positive. The work will also be developed to meet the needs of ‘Best Work’ –a whole school policy” – TTM Teacher Case Study


  • Realistic Whole School Singing How can I improve the quality and quantity of singing at both Key Stage 3 and across the school? – Rachael Adediran, Skinners Academy, Hackney

  • Broken to Unbroken How do you engage female and unbroken voices in high-quality singing as a male teacher? – Ben Reeve, Mulberry School for Girls, Tower Hamlets

  • Pathways in to Composing How do you overcome a lack of confidence in composing? – Frances Robinson, Conisborough College, Lewisham


“Groups were much more able to work in a focused manner, independently; [I observed] an increase in dialogue from quieter members of the group; I saw problem-solving skills developing/being used as students were able to assess their work more easily; [My approach] encouraged students to consider ‘higher level’ issues e.g. balance, dynamics, and timbre” 
– Quote from TTM Teacher Case Study