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Thorin Emerald

Musical Theatre

Headshot Thorin Emerald

Student details

Full name: Thorin Emerald
Height: 5’10
Hair: Black
Eyes: Green-Blue
Nationality: Irish

Represented by Roberts and Day.


1st Tenor, Counter Tenor, Opera, choral singing, A Capella
Accents: Londonderry* Birmingham*, American-New York, American-Southern States, American-Standard, Australian, Belfast, Cockney, Cork, Irish-Southern, Liverpool, RP, Yorkshire
Vocal range: G2/A5 (belt to B4)
Playing age: 16 – 27
Dance: Jazz, Ballet, Tap

Other skills

Basic Sign Language, Drag/Drag makeup

Other information

Spotlight Pin: 3010-6725-4485

Credits during training

Part: The Cat
Production: Honk!
Director: Ahmet Ahmet
Choreographer: Asher Davis
MD: Jodie Robinson

Part: Snoopy
Production: Snoopy
Director: Omar Okai
Choreographer: Omar Okai
MD: Verity Quade

Part: Henry
Production: Julia Peculiar
MD: Katie Butler

Part: Nick, Dwight & Roscoe
Production: Elegies for Angels, Punks, and Raging Queens
Director: Khiley Williams
MD: Phil Cornwell